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A Description of The Throat

Healthy Throat


A Description of The Throat

The larynx, or voice box, is located in the neck and performs several important functions. The larynx is involved in swallowing, breathing, and voice production. Sound is produced when the air which passes through the vocal cords causes them to vibrate and create sound waves in the pharynx, nose and mouth. The pitch of sound is determined by the amount of tension on the vocal folds (cords).


Moderate voice use when sick
Try making hot tea
Keeping the sore throat bugs away
Do not abuse or misuse your voice
Preventing MonoTeenagers
Throat and Voice Healthy
Nipping sore throats in the bud
Preventing Cold Sores
Protect Your Throat from the Cold Temperatures
Minimize throat clearing
Avoid Sharing Eating Utensils
A Description of The Throat
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