Learn how to lift
Healthy Knee

Learn how to lift
This may sound really stupid, but youd be amazed at how many clients and athletes I work with who tell me, I cant do X exercise; it hurts my (insert body part here). Since this is a knee article, well assume it hurts their knees. Heres the problem though Its not the exercise thats hurting them; its their god-awful lifting technique thats the problem.Im amazed at how many people cant perform even the most basic exercises in the weightroom, yet theyre so convinced its the exercise thats at fault, not their performance of that exercise thats the real problem. The squat is a great example, as its been the scapegoat for everything from sore knees to bad backs.There have been numerous technical articles written on T-Nation for everything from single-leg exercises to squats and deadlifts, so if you think your form may be off, read through them and make sure your technique is spot-on. Improving your technique is one of the best things you can do to stay healthy, as well as improving your strength and physique.