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Dont be afraid to isolate after traumatic injury

Healthy Knee


Dont be afraid to isolate after traumatic injury

Most of the time, isolation exercises totally suck, especially if strength and or performance are your primary goals. However, in a rehabilitation setting the rules can, and need, to change.Following my knee scope, I started back into training with basic proprioceptive exercises, working on regaining mobility, and then progressing back into single-leg exercises. Problem was, my quads were flat-out weak. Just like any other time one muscle is weak, another one is forced to compensate. So by not isolating my quads, I was reinforcing another muscle imbalance.So I begrudgingly got on the leg extension machine and watched myself struggle with 40 pounds. Seriously, Id rather have a bullet in my head than be seen struggling with 40 pounds on the leg extension, but its what I needed to get my strength back.If nothing else, remember this motto A muscle thats weak in isolation will be weak in integration. Do what it takes to get the strength back, even if it means resorting to machines for a short time. The end-goal is to increase tissue tolerance and get to a point where we can perform single-leg exercises without compensation.


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