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Fight Fungus

Healthy Foot


Fight Fungus

Over-the-counter antifungal treatments come in many forms lacquers, creams, lotions, liquids, spray powders, and spray liquids. These products work best on mild cases of athletes foot, and probably not at all with toenail fungus, which is difficult to treat. No matter the form, they have one of the following active ingredients, which are all equally effective: terbinafine, tolnaftate, miconazole, ciclopirox, or clotrimazole. Tabari says tea tree oil, sometimes called melaleuca oil, also works well on mild cases of athletes foot. Look for a medicated powder or spray if you have sweaty feet. Powders usually contain aluminum chloride hexahydrate to help keep feet dry.If you have dry feet, look for an antifungal lotion.Dry your feet thoroughly before you apply antifungal powder or lotion.Dark and damp conditions let the funguses that cause athletes foot flourish. Basic good foot hygiene is the best way to prevent fungal infections. Wash your feet frequently and dry them thoroughly, especially between your toes. Wear fresh socks or other hosiery daily.


Inspect your feet daily
Inspect Your Feet Every Day
Invest in Proper Footwear and Socks
Cut toenails properly
Wear Sunscreen
Dont Forget Your Toenails
Wear shoes that fit properly
Daily Care
Keep Your Skin Dry
Opt for Non Impact Aerobics
Never trim corns and calluses
Skip Hot Tubs
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