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Munch on nutritious snacks

Healthy Blood


Munch on nutritious snacks

Dip tortilla chips in guacamole.Why Avocados have more blood-pressure-lowering potassium than any other fruit or vegetable, including bananas. Canadian men and women should get 4,700 mg of potassium every day, but many get just half this amount.Eat a handful of dried apricots every afternoon.Like bananas, apricots are a particularly good source of potassium. Plus they have lots of fibre, iron and beta carotene. The drying process actually increases the concentration of these nutrients, which are all good for your circulatory system. And as a snack, dried apricots are low in calories roughly eight total just 100 calories. Look out for an unsulphured brand. Snack on roasted soybeans for a crunchy, nutrient-packed munch.Studies show that people with high blood pressure can lower their systolic readings by an average of 10 points by eating 30 g of roasted soybeans (also called soy nuts) a day for two weeks. The beans are available at some supermarkets and health-food stores. Make sure you buy them unsalted.


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