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Explore and Learn from Past Actions

Healthy Blood


Explore and Learn from Past Actions

Ate too much, missed your walk, or didnt check your blood sugar? With countless diabetes to-dos, its easy to slip up. Rather than beating yourself up for yesterdays mishaps, misadventures, or didnt-dos, take the opportunity to learn from your past actions as you seek to change your ways for the future.The Science Animals learn quickly. A rat presses a button with its nose and gets a shock. The rats solution? Dont press the button again. Humans dont learn so quickly and arent so simplistic in our actions and reactions.


Monitor your blood pressure regularly
Eliminate Wheat
Control your cholesterol
Nibble dark chocolate
Get moving
Sleep Well
Exercise To Burn Off Excess Cortisol
Get a better nights sleep
Take medicines as directed
Curb Added Sugars with No Calorie Drinks
Portion Control Please
Limit alcohol
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