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Good Things you can do for your Body



Meditation may seem like a passing trend, but the newly popular practice touts some serious health benefits.Om ing is optional, but regularly taking 10 20 minutes to unwind and focus on yourself is one of the greatest secrets to longevity. Meditation is going to help with stress reduction,better sleep, lower blood pressure, improved immunity, and improved cardiovascular function, says Kerry Bajaj, a certified health coach at the Eleven Eleven Wellness Center in New York City. Its also going to make you feel much better because youre disconnecting from all the stimulation of life.


Eat 7 Serving of produce
Wear Sunglasses
Stop Smoking cigs and hookah
Get more Fiber
Weigh yourself daily
Strenththen your lower back
Take a nap
Clean UP Your Skincare regimen
Drink warm water with lemon
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