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Cherry Tomatoes and Pesticide Residues

Benefits of Tomatoes


Cherry Tomatoes and Pesticide Residues

Virtually all municipal drinking water in the United States contains pesticide residues, and with the exception of organic foods, so do the majority of foods in the U.S. food supply. Even though pesticides are present in food at very small trace levels, their negative impact on health is well documented. The liver s ability to process other toxins, the cells ability to produce energy, and the nerves ability to send messages can all be compromised by pesticide exposure. According to the Environmental Working Group s 2014 report Shopper s Guide to Pesticides, conventionally grown cherry tomatoes are among the top 12 fruits and vegetables on which pesticide residues have been most frequently found. Therefore, individuals wanting to avoid pesticide associated health risks may want to avoid consumption of cherry tomatoes unless they are grown organically.


Acts as a Natural Sunscreen
Good for digestion
Healthy Mediterraneandiet
Improves vision
Tomato contains around 22 calories
Tomatoes are rich in potassium
Anti Cancer Benefits
Natural Bleaching Agent
Fights Cellular Damage
Reduces risk of heart disease
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