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Carotenoids found in tomatoes

Benefits of Tomatoes


Carotenoids found in tomatoes

Tomato peels contribute a high concentration of the carotenoids found in tomatoes. The amount of carotenoids absorbed by human intestinal cells was much greater with tomato paste enriched with tomato peels compared to tomato paste without peels, according to a study from Marseille, France. The tomato skin also holds most of the flavonols (another family of phytochemicals that includes quercetin and kaempferol) as well. So to maximize the health propertiesof tomatoes, don t peel them if you can help it!


Acts as a Stress Reliever
Rich source of potassium
Heart health
Prevents Urinary Tract Infections
Carotenoids found in tomatoes
Vitamins and Nutritional Content
Filling Food
Lowers Hypertension
Nutritional Profile
Treats Open Pores
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