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Swiss chard varieties

Benefits of Swiss Chard


Swiss chard varieties

There are a number of Swiss chard varieties, some of which have white, yellow, or orange stalks while others have red, pink, or purple stalks. Some of the most common varieties with white stems include Perpetual Spinach (also known as Leaf Beet), Witerbi Mangold, Fordhook Giant, Lucullus, Orea, and White King. If you re planning to grow your own chard and would like to add some color to your garden, you may want to try some of the more colorful varieties such as Rhubarb Chard (deep crimson stalks), Bright Yellow, Magenta Sunset (pink ribs and veins), Orange Fantasia, Golden Sunrise, or Rainbow Chard (a mix of white, orange, and red chard varieties).


Swiss Chard and Oxalates
Brain Booster
Manage Diabetes
Swiss Chard Packs a Carotenoid Punch
Antioxidant and Anti Inflammatory Benefits
Health Benefits
Still more health benefits of Swiss chard
Bone Health
Swiss chard is available at its best during summer months
Lentil or bean soup
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