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MaizeCorn Flakes with Milk

Benefits of Maizes


MaizeCorn Flakes with Milk

Corn flakes with milk and some sweetener is very healthy and nutritious diet especially for the growing children to get normal growth and development. Antioxidants neutralize the effects of harmful free radicals that cause diseases like cancer. The antioxidant betacryptoxanthin prevents lung cancer, while lutein prevents age related vision loss. Antioxidants slow cognitive decline and conditions like Alzheimers. Vitamin C boosts immunity and fights infections, while the presence of vitamin E gives maize anti aging properties.


MaizeCorn Flakes with Milk
Uses Of Corn
Lowers Cholesterol
Corn for Heart
Vitamin A Content
Reduces risk of hemorrhoids and colorectal cancer
Maize Flour
Steamed corn
How to Enjoy
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