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How to Store Peel

Benefits of Lime


How to Store Peel

Store the lime peels in freezer bags or air tight containers in deep freezer to avoid turning it hard due to loss of moisture. The dried or powdered ones can be packed in plastic air tight containers and stored in a cool dry place.Adding lime juice to just two or three glasses of water throughout your day, can help boost your weight loss if you are on a diet. Lime juice in cold water is a great and refreshing drink, which not only promotes weight loss but cools you down significantly more so than a regular bottle of water would! While being a fat burner, lime juice is also an excellent antioxidant. This helps your quest of losing weight by removing the toxins in your body and keeping you squeaky clean and ultimately feeling better over all.


Nutritional Profile
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Improve liver System
Heart Health
Limes can be either sour or sweet
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