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Fights Cancer

Benefits of Lime


Fights Cancer

There are diseasefighting compounds found in citrus fruits, such as limes and lemons, known as limonoids. According to the U.S. Agricultural Research Service, your body can readily absorb and use a specific, longacting limonoid called limonin. Limes and lemons contain almost as much limonin as they do vitamin C. This compound, in a culture study, published in Nutrition and Cancer in 2001, as well as in laboratory studies on human and animals cells, as noted in a June 2003 article in the


Lime juice can helpprevent formation of kidney stones
Skin Toner
Fights Cancer
Limes are anti carcinogenic
Limes containantioxidants
Supports the Immune System
How to Make Lime Juice
Lime peels can combat aging skin
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