This ultra secret bedroom closet waterslide that leads to a luxurious indoor pool
Expensive Things Youll Need In Your Dream House
This ultra secret bedroom closet waterslide that leads to a luxurious indoor pool
Let the water freak in you take over It comes at a cost though but you could simply slide into your houses indoor pool through a waterslide discreetly kept in your bedrooms closet. No unnecessarily climbing stairs or walking down hallways to reach your private pool. Just change into your swimsuit in the privacy of your bedroom and slide down for a swim. Thats all there is to it. It would undoubtedly cost you a package to have a facility like that but it surely is a time saver. Saves you a whole lot of walking also.
A secret playroom with a hidden kid sized entrance
This cute bone shaped pool for your dog
An intricate gravity defying cat transit system
A kitchen trap door leading to a huge underground wine cellar
A secret agent like popup garage that youll show off to every guest
This sneaky refrigerator under your kitchen island
An entire room dedicated to sleepovers with a fireplace
A four sided Lego wall with unlimited potential for creativity
A romantic fireplace that serves both the bathtub and bedroom
A three story climbing wall built into the stairwell
This amazing space saving bookshelf for your office
An enormous luxurious waterfall shower bath
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