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How to Select

Benefits of Lime


How to Select

Choose limes that are firm and heavy for their size, free of decay and mold. They should have a glossy skin that is deep green in color; although limes turn more yellow as they ripen, they are at the height of their lively, tart flavor when they are green in color. While brown spots on the skin of limes may not affect their color, limes that are mostly brownish in color should be avoided since this may be an indication that they have scald which may cause them to have an undesirable moldy taste. Limes are available in the marketplace throughout the year, although they are usually in greater supply from midspring through midfall.


Respiratory Disorders
Inflammatory disorders
Wrinkles and Black UnderEyes
Other Benefits
Phytonutrients with Antioxidant and Antibiotic Effects
Supports the Immune System
Limes containantioxidants
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