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Benefits of Lime



Quick hydration and rejuvenation is what this juice can provide to the body. It is good to fight fatigue as well as vomiting bouts. Lime is consumed throughout the world in the form of sorbet, beverages, refreshing cocktails, pickles, jams, jellies, snacks, candies, sugar boiled confections and in cooking. The oil extracted from its peel or skin is extensively used in soft drink concentrates, body oils, cosmetic products, hair oils, toothpastes, toilet and beauty soaps, disinfectants, mouth washes, deodorants and innumerable other products.


Fights Cancer
Gums Swollen
Glowing Complexion
Damaging blood vessels and allowingcholesterol
Limes and Eye Care
Limes and Your Mouth
Lime juice is a sour
Lime peel
Other benefits of the Lime
Limes have a very high citric acid content
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