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Lime juice is a sour

Benefits of Lime


Lime juice is a sour

Lime juice is a sour, tart liquid that is obtained from the fruit of the Citrus aurantifolia, a shrubby citrus tree that is native to Asia. A small, green fruit related to the lemon, lime fruit is pale green with a juicy pulp. Widely used for both culinary and nonculinary purposes, it is among the most popular citrus juices available on the market today. Once you are aware of the health benefits that lime juice offers, you may want to find a way to get it in your diet.


Anti viral
Antibiotic Properties
Limes are anti carcinogenic
Lime juice is a sour
Grated Lime peel
Improve liver System
Lime peel
Lemon and Lime Peels and Oxalates
A Healthy Choice for Diabetics
Lime juice can helpprevent formation of kidney stones
Glowing Complexion
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