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Health Benefits

Benefits of Kale


Health Benefits

While not as well researched as some of its fellow cruciferous vegetables like broccoli or cabbage, kale is a food that you can count on for some unsurpassed health benefits, if for no other reason than its exceptional nutrient richness. In our own website food rating system, kale scored 4 excellents, 6 very goods, and 10 goodsandfor a total of 20 standout categories of nutrient richness! That achievement is difficult for most foods to match.


Kale is high in Vitamin C
Clearly and Stand Strong
Kale is a great anti inflammatory food
Fighting Disease
Kale is High in Lutein and Zeaxanthin Powerful Nutrients That Protect the Eyes
Support for Energy Production
Kale and its Cancer Preventing Phytonutrients
Kale is filled with powerful antioxidants
Saute it
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