WHFoods Recommendations
Benefits of Kale
WHFoods Recommendations
Youll want to include kale as one of the cruciferous vegetables you eat on a regular basis if you want to receive the fantastic health benefits provided by the cruciferous vegetable family. At a minimum, include cruciferous vegetables as part of your diet 2 3 times per week, and make the serving size at least 1 1/2 cups. Even better from a health standpoint, enjoy kale and other vegetables from the cruciferous vegetable group 4 5 times per week, and increase your serving size to 2 cups. Kale is one of the healthiest vegetables around and one way to be sure to enjoy the maximum nutrition and flavor from kale is to cook it properly. We recommend Healthy Steaming kale for 5 minutes. To ensure quick and even cooking cut the leaves into 1/2 slices and the stems into 1/4 lengths. Let them sit for at least 5 minutes to enhance their health promoting qualities before steaming.