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Glucosinolates and Cancer Preventive Benefits

Benefits of Kale


Glucosinolates and Cancer Preventive Benefits

kale is ample evidence that its glucosinolates provide cancer preventive benefits. Kale is a top food source for at least four glucosinolates, and once kale is eaten and digested, these glucosinolates can be converted by the body into cancer preventive compounds. Kales glucosinolates and the ITCs made from them have well documented cancer preventive properties, and in some cases, cancer treatment properties as well. At the top of the cancer related research for kale are colon cancer and breast cancer, but risk of bladder cancer, prostate cancer, and ovarian cancer have all been found to decrease in relationship to routine intake of kale. The chart below presents a summary of the unusual glucosinlate phytonutrients found in kale, and the anti cancer ITCs made from them inside the body


Excellent vegetable sources
Brain Health
Kale is high in calcium
Kale is high in Vitamin K
Fiber and Anti Inflammatory Omega 3 Fatty Acids
Saute it
How to incorporate more kale into your diet
Antioxidant Related Health Benefits
Visual Health
WHFoods Recommendations
Other Health Related Benefits
It is also rich source of minerals
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