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Prevents Stomach Cancer

Benefits of Green chillis


Prevents Stomach Cancer

Since green chili are rich source of vital nutrients, they helps in preventing stomach cancer and other stomach related problems. Raw, fresh chilies should be washed in clean water before used in cooking in order to remove any residual fungicides, sand and soil. Chilies either fresh or powder form, can cause severe burning sensation to hands and may cause severe irritation to nasal passages, eyes and throat. Therefore, it may be advised in some sensitive individuals to use thin hand gloves and face masks while handling chilies.


Safe and effectivetopicalanalgesicagent
Vitamin C
Chillies are also good in Bcomplex group of vitamins
Evolutionary advantages
Rich in carotenoids
Nutritional Value of Green Chili
Chili pepper pods
Delays Ageing
Vitamin A
Provides many other nutrients
Release of endorphins
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