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Get your brain and body ready to learn

Tips for Best Student in the class


Get your brain and body ready to learn

You will learn best and have the easiest time in school if your body is ready to learn! There are lots of things that you can do to get your body ready. Try Getting lots of sleep. Youll need to get the right amount of sleep for your body if you want your brain to work at its best. You should feel alert through most of the day. If you find yourself needing to shut your eyes by lunch, youre not sleeping enough. For most people, youll need about 8 hours of sleep. Your body cant work right if all you eat is junk like chips, candy, and hamburgers. If you want to be the best student you can be, eat your vegetables (like broccoli), some fruit, and lean proteins (like chicken and fish).Drink plenty of water. Your brain needs water in order to work right. In fact, your whole body needs water in order to work right. Drink several glasses of water a day but keep in mind that some people need more water than others. If your pee is coming out dark colored, you need more water.


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