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Beetroot juice is laxative and diuretic

Benefits of Beetroot


Beetroot juice is laxative and diuretic

Beetroot juice is laxative and diuretic, so excess consumption can cause intestinal or stomach upset. Different cultivars exist; red, orange yellow and white verities. The unique crimson red color of red beet is due to betalain pigments, such as betanin and betacyanin. Yellow varieties are rich in


Naturally sweet in taste
Digestive help and regulating the metabolism
Rich in Valuable Nutrients and Fiber
Beetroot contains a pigment
Heart health and blood pressure
Beats osteoporosis
Beetroot juice helps to eliminate itchy scalp
Reduces risk of osteoporosis
Treats anaemia and fatigue
Powerful antioxidant properties
Can reduce blood pressure level
Nutritional breakdown of beetroot
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