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Benefits of Tomatoes



Since tomatoes are sensitive to cold, and it will impede their ripening process, store them at room temperature and out of direct exposure to sunlight. They will keep for up to a week, depending upon how ripe they are when purchased. To hasten the ripening process, place them in a paper bag with a banana or apple since the ethylene gas that these fruits emit will help speed up the tomato s maturation. If the tomatoes begin to become overripe, but you are not yet ready to eat them, place them in the refrigerator (if possible, in the butter compartment which is a warmer area), where they will keep for one or two more days. Removing them from the refrigerator about 30 minutes before using will help them to regain their maximum flavor and juiciness. Whole tomatoes, chopped tomatoes and tomato sauce freeze well for future use in cooked dishes. Sun dried tomatoes should be stored in an airtight container, with or without olive oil, in a cool dry place.


Tips for Preparing Tomatoes
Tomatoes Belong to the Nightshade Family
Less Fat content
Removes toxins from the body
Acts as a Natural Sunscreen
Abundant Source of Antioxidants
Prevents Eye Diseases
Cherry Tomatoes and Pesticide Residues
Acts as a Stress Reliever
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