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Understand Sleep Mechanics

Way To Wakeup


Understand Sleep Mechanics

Knowledge is power. When you understand more about sleep mechanics, you will be able to make smarter decisions. The most important thing about sleep mechanics is that we sleep in cycles of around 90 110 minutes each. A good time to wake up is at the end of each cycle. So try to adjust your alarm to turn on a the end of a sleeping cycle. For example, to wake up at 400 am, you have to sleep at 1000 pm to have 4 cycles of sleep approximately. Or try setting your alarm an hour and a half before you have to get up, then resetting it to the proper time when it goes off. You should wake up more alert, since you have finished a complete sleep cycle.


Track Your Early Wake Up Progress
Eat a bit of yogurt
Get extra clothes ready for waking up
Stop Believing The Myths
Get into a routine at night that winds you down
Take A Nap In The Afternoon
Take advantage of the extra time
Understand Sleep Mechanics
Use Multiple Alarm Clocks
Sleep With Fresh Air
Have Something Important To Wake Up For or a good reason to wake up
Give A Promise To Wake Up Early
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