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Having really good snack game

Things Vegetarians Get Really Good


Having really good snack game

As a vegetarian one has to miss out on many meaty delights. But no vegetarian would ever claim this in fact they detest all types of flesh is what they would say. Forget breakfast, lunch and dinner, for the veggies meats are a strict no no even as a snack item. That is why the vegetarians would not mind gobbling up some toast with hummus as a mid meal snack even though the rest of the world might dig into some chicken nuggets or other non veg. delicacies at these times. And no the vegetarians do not boast of their hummus and toast snack at all.


Dealing with dates who say theyll take it as a challenge to break you and get you to eat meat
Interrogating waiters
Having really good snack game
Eating a LOT of pasta at restaurants
Reading ingredient labels like a ninja
Making a mean peanut butter and jelly
Bringing home an A plus farmers market haul
Watching out for gelatin
Living off Amys products
Bringing your own lunch to work because fast food has pretty much zero options for you
Being sarcastic with people who are like But its fish Here just try it
Ignoring people who say things like Hitler was a vegetarian so I cant trust you
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