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Dealing with dates who say theyll take it as a challenge to break you and get you to eat meat

Things Vegetarians Get Really Good


Dealing with dates who say theyll take it as a challenge to break you and get you to eat meat

Once you are a vegetarian you can be assured of providing your body with a healthy balanced diet. But what happens when you begin dating a non vegetarian. He or she is going to try their best to change you to start eating meat and that is something you would best avoid. This is exactly what hardcore vegetarians are good at. Once a vegetarian is used to his food it s going to be really hard for anyone to change him. As the picture shows a lady in motion shaking her head presumably to a man suggesting she is being solicited to eat meat and the answer is a definite no no


Being sarcastic with people who are like But its fish Here just try it
Bringing your own veggie burgers to your friends cookout
Making a mean peanut butter and jelly
Ignoring people who say things like Hitler was a vegetarian so I cant trust you
Eating a LOT of pasta at restaurants
Bringing home an A plus farmers market haul
But how do you get enough pr
Eating before you go to a wedding
Explaining that this isnt all you eat
Wheres Waldo ing the hidden meat in pasta salads
Can you eat animal crackers Ha ha
Enjoying a life built around so many meat free AND delicious foods
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