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Turning down 75 percentage of the free samples at Costco

Things Vegetarians Get Really Good


Turning down 75 percentage of the free samples at Costco

A local Costco shop might be offering free samples of meats and other flesh foods by the dozen and people could be making a beeline to the place by the bushels. But for a vegetarian doing such a thing is absolute sin. For the kind of a life they have chosen to live, going anywhere near meat, even if it is available for free is simply forbidden. But do you know a secret? Perhaps the vegetarians cry like the guy shown in the picture in privacy in the knowledge that they are not allowed to touch even that meat that has come at no cost.


But how do you get enough pr
Dealing with dates who say theyll take it as a challenge to break you and get you to eat meat
Eating before you go to a wedding
Handling places where the salad option is basically this
Interrogating waiters
Bringing your own veggie burgers to your friends cookout
Having really good snack game
Wheres Waldo ing the hidden meat in pasta salads
Bringing home an A plus farmers market haul
Eating a LOT of pasta at restaurants
Watching out for gelatin
Ignoring people who say things like Hitler was a vegetarian so I cant trust you
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