Soy Yogurt
Soy Yogurt
Soy yogurt provides calcium and live cultures without requiring the system to digest lactose or animal fat. Soy yogurt’s live cultures help strengthen your immune system, and its relatively high fiber content—2 grams of dietary fiber per serving— will help satisfy you and lower your cholesterol. Soy isoflavones may help increase insulin secretion and improve glycemic control. Researchers speculate that soy yogurt, especially when served with fruit, may help regulate the enzymes that affect blood sugar levels in persons with diabetes.
Nutritional Facts :
Six ounces of flavored soy yogurt provides 170 calories, 32 g carbohydrate, 6 g protein, 3.5 g fat, 2 g dietary fiber, 25 mg sodium, 300 mg calcium, and 1.08 mg iron.

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