Soy Milk Unsweetened
Soy Milk Unsweetened
Soy milk is low in carbohydrates, so you can eat it with your cereal without adding to your carbs. It’s also low in fat and an excellent source of calcium. Soy milk is a great way to add the Benefits of soy to your diet, reduce reliance on animal products, and possibly help lower cholesterol. As a milk replacement, soy milk is also supplemented with some vitamins and minerals to provide a more milk-like nutritional profile.
Nutritional Facts :
One cup of unsweetened soy milk provides 70 calories, 3 g carbohydrate, 7 g protein, 3.5 g fat, 1 g dietary fiber, 750 IU vitamin A, 120 IU vitamin D, 0.51 mg riboflavin, 3 mcg vitamin B12, 70 mg sodium, 300 mg potassium, 300 mg calcium, and 1.8 mg iron.

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