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Rules to play Paragliding



Paragliding, like any extreme sport, is a potentially dangerous activity. In the United States, for example, in 2010 the last year for which details are available, one paraglider pilot died. This is an equivalent rate of two in 10,000 pilots. Over the years 1994 2010, an average of seven in every 10,000 active paraglider pilots have been fatally injured, though with a marked improvement in recent years. In France with over 25,000 registered fliers, two of every 10,000 pilots were fatally injured in 2011 a rate that is not atypical of the years 2007 2011, although around six of every 1,000 pilots were seriously injured more than two day hospital stay.The potential for injury can be significantly reduced by training and risk management. The use of proper equipment such as a wing designed for the pilots size and skill level, as well as a helmet, a reserve parachute, and a cushioned harness also minimize risk. The pilots safety is influenced by his understanding of the site conditions such as air turbulence rotors, strong thermals, gusty wind, and ground obstacles such as power lines. Sufficient pilot training in wing control and emergency manoeuvres from competent instructors can minimize accidents. Many paragliding accidents are the result of a combination of pilot error and poor flying conditions.


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