Fast descents
Rules to play Paragliding
Fast descents
Problems with getting down can occur when the lift situation is very good or when the weather changes unexpectedly. There are three possibilities of rapidly reducing altitude in such situations, each of which has benefits and issues to be aware of. The big ears maneuver induces descent rates of 2.5 to 3.5 m s, 4 6 m s with additional speed bar. It is the most controllable of the techniques and the easiest for beginners to learn. The A B line stall induces descent rates of 6 10 m s. It increases loading on parts of the wing the pilots weight is mostly on the B lines, instead of spread across all the lines. Finally, a spiral dive offers the fastest rate of descent, at 7 25 m s. It places greater loads on the wing than other techniques do and requires the highest level of skill from the pilot to execute safely.