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Dont force your body

Jogging Tips and Guidelines


Dont force your body

When started, do jog for 10 minutes non stop. Do not intermittent stops except when in certain cases such as shortness of breath or head began to feel dizzy. During jogging, maintain a consistent breathing. It could be breathing as steps. The most important rule when starting an exercise is not to force the body too heavy but still relaxed and increased stamina gradually. Run in relax, if any, you could bring your friends to accompany. When you out of breath, you may be running too fast.


The 10 Percent Rule
The Familiar Food Rule
The Heads Beats Tails Rule
The 10 Minute Rule
Be Patient
Dont force your body
The Dont Just Run Rule
The Tempo Pace Rule
It Takes As Long As It Takes
The Even Pace Rule
Safety during the run
Dont eat breakfast before jogging
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