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Change shampoos

How to Care for Your Nails


Change shampoos

While most women know when a shampoo doesn t agree with their hair, many don t realize it may not agree with their nails even if their hair looks great. This, say experts, is particularly true of detergent shampoos, or those for oily hair, which are designed to strip lipids and other natural oils from the scalp. If your nails are very dry and you are using any soap product that strips the oils, there is the potential to dry the nails, says Stern.


Limit professional manicures
Use a milky hand wash
Avoid rough emery boards
Slather on a mask
Personal hygiene
Regular Clipping
Keep Your Nails Healthy
Watch your nails for signs of health problems
Wear Sunscreen
Calcium Gels and Nail Hardeners
Wear shoes that fit properly
Apply a protective layer
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