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Get some balance in your training

Healthy Knee


Get some balance in your training

Im still shocked at how many people dont adhere to this rule. Theyll squat, then lunge, then do leg extensions, and then maybe get some hamstring work in if they arent totally wiped at the end of their workout.If you dont follow this rule, your knees may not hurt now, but I can guarantee they will in the future. When I say that we have to balance your training, we arent talking within the training day or even the training week. You need to address the long-term health of your body when you lay out your programming. Dont just plan one cycle, follow it, and then forget about it when planning the next one. What you did (or didnt do) in this cycle directly affects ensuing cycles.So if you did a ton of quad-dominant work in one cycle, you better make up for it with some serious hamstring and glute dominant work down the line. As Alwyn Cosgrove always says, Time magnifies all programming errors.


On your bike
Do some single leg work
Get your glutes and hamstrings stronger
Rest up
Get some balance in your training
First try non surgical options
Remember you have options
Dont skimp on your warm up
Learn how to lift
Learn to absorb force
No more knee pain
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