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Be Health Conscious

Healthy Head


Be Health Conscious

It is important for us to take control of our health and understand that we are in charge of managing of our bodies. Physicians work for us, and when it comes to our bodies we are the boss. Once we establish our own role in the management of our health, the importance of a close and trusting relationship with our physician becomes apparent. Open communication can help the physician make sound decisions regarding our health. A team approach can help establish a united front against illness, and more importantly, promote our health. To keep yourself at your healthiest, maintain regular physical examinations, and follow your physicians advice.


Partner with your doctor
Seek financial stability
Go Green
Maintain Strong Connections
Exercise regularly
Follow your physicians advice
Reduce the overall calories you consume daily
Do Not Retire from Life
Develop your spirituality
Maintain your role and sense of purpose
Adopt a Nutrient Rich Diet
Set Financial Goals
More ...

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