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Move to Remember More

Healthy Head


Move to Remember More

University of British Columbia researchers found that twice weekly resistance training boosts your ability to make accurate decisions quickly. Focus on your form and your faults instead of intensitybrain building comes from concentrating on what your bodys doing, says Gary Small, M.D., director of the UCLA Longevity Center and coauthor of The Alzheimers Prevention Program. When dementia hits, your weaker skills go first, so fixing what youre doing wrong makes your brain work harder.


Do Not Retire from Life
Engage Yourself in the Complex and Novel
Maintain Strong Connections
Seek financial stability
Switch Up Your News Source
Slow Down and Appreciate the Silence
Socialize and have fun
Reduce and Eliminate Smoking Drinking and other Drugs
Adopt a Nutrient Rich Diet
Feed Your Brain
Engage family and friends
Kick back and relax
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