Keep files well organized
Tips for Portfolio Photography
Keep files well organized
Iandm a mom with 3 small boys yes, I had my third child a month after my first turned do the math, but no matter how you add it up it equals crazy. When youandve got kids to bathe, meals to prepare, homework to check, laundry to tackle, errands to run and clients to shoot, you have to work very hard to keep things in order. A fail proof system Iandve found for organizing my portfolio goes as follows: from each shoot, pull the images that you feel may be portfolio worthy into a separate file and an external hard drive for back up. Label both the file on your computer and the external drive with the same name. Within the file on your computer and the one on the external drive if you wish have sub files categorized by type of photography, ie. portraits, family sessions, weddings, landscape, maternity.bla bla bla, you get the picture. Then when youandre ready to compile your best images for a portfolio.guess what? Itands done already. Imagine that I didnandt do this from the beginning. And trust you me, it is a huge pain not to have a favorites file.digging through thousands of files to pick your best work once it comes time to say build a website, does not equal a pleasing way to spend the weekend. And I donandt need to mention the terror and dismay youandd experience should your computer crash without you being backed up