Finger Flexor Stretch
Fitness Stretching
Finger Flexor Stretch
Arm, Wrist, and Hand Stretches:
Sit or stand upright. Flex the elbow at a 90-degree angle, and extend the wrist as far as possible. Point the fingers upward. With the right hand, push the fingers on the left hand toward the elbow.
Affected Body Part:
Most-stretched muscles: Left flexor carpi radialis, left flexor carpi ulnaris, left flexor digiti minimi brevis, left flexor digitorum profundus, left flexor digitorum superficialis, left palmaris longus.
Lesser-stretched muscles: Left flexor pollicis longus.
The elbow angle does not need to be precisely 90 degrees. Choose a comfortable angle. Some people find that fully flexing the elbow makes it easier to push on the hand. With the elbow fully flexed, the push is more downward than across.