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And so was Harrison Ford

Celebrities Who Had Unbelievable Jobs


And so was Harrison Ford

Harrison Ford, worked as a carpenter, he did it to support his then wife Mary Marquardt and their two children Benjamin and Willard. His initial small time TV roles did not meet errands. He was not a trained carpenter. His first job was to make a pair of tables. He was later hired to build a recording studio for the Brazilian composer Sergio Mendes. Impressed with the job, Mendes recommended him to other actors. Ford built a deck for Sally Kellerman he also worked as a stagehand for the rock band The Doors. Thus he became Carpenter to the Stars.


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Johnny Depp sold ballpoint pens over the phone
Jim Carrey was a cleaner in a factory
Danny De Vito was a hairdresser
Lucy Liu was an aerobics instructor
Demi Moore worked as a debt collector
Christopher Walken worked as a lion tamer at a circus
Jon Bon Jovi worked as a Christmas decoration maker
Evangeline Lilly worked as a flight attendant
Sheryl Crow was a primary school teacher
Matthew Morrison also worked at Gap
Mick Jagger worked as a porter in a psychiatric hospital
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