benefits of yams

Benefits of Yams

21. Source of Antioxidants
Yam contains healthy antioxidants which also have anti inflammatory properties. The beta carotene and Vitamin C in this tuber work well to get rid of cancer-friendly free radicals. Free radicals can damage the body in reaction with DNA, so the antioxidants work to reduce the damage caused by these free radicals. It is also an excellent food for those suffering from arthritis and asthma.
22. Low Glycemic Index Healthy Food
Diabetics can eat yam without worrying about the rise in blood sugar level. Glycemic index of a food reflects the foodands effects on a personands blood glucose level. Fast glucose absorption is not desirable, so yam raises the blood sugar level slowly as compared to simple sugars and is therefore highly recommended as a low glycemic index healthy food.
23. Aids Digestion and Improves Bowel Habits
The dietary fibre present in Yam reduces constipation and decreases bad cholesterol. It contains good amount of potassium which aids in healthy digestion and stimulates smooth muscle contraction in the stomach for proper bowel habits.
24. Increases Nutrient Absorption of the Body
Daily consumption of yam juice can increase nutrient absorption of the body. It also protects valuable enzymes needed by the body for healthier cells and maintains the good condition of the body. By drinking yam juice, all the vitamins and nutrients of it can be easily absorbed by the body in its liquid form.
25. Improves Cognitive Ability
Yams also have the ability to increase learning and memory capacity in the human brain. According to a study, people who consumed yam for 6 weeks regularly noticed a significant increase in the cognitive abilities of the subject. This is mainly due to the antioxidant compound present in yams. It can also help to cure Alzheimerands disease.
26. Cancer Deterrent
Yam can also be viewed as a cancer deterrent especially of colon cancer. The dietary fibre in this tuber prevents colon cancer by preventing toxic compounds in the food from adhering to the colon mucosa. Vitamin A in Yam provides protection from lung and oral cavity cancer.
27. Source of Energy and Antioxidant
Yams contain complex carbohydrates and fibre which gradually slow the rate at which sugars are released and absorbed in the mainstream. Being high in fibre, yam keeps you full without putting on those extra kilos. Yams are also a good source of manganese, a mineral that aids carbohydrates metabolism and is very important for energy production and antioxidant defences.
28. Mediates Metabolic Functions
The vitamins present in yam mediate various metabolic functions in the body. Carotenes are very essential to convert Vitamin A in the body. Vitamin A maintains healthy mucous membranes and skin. It also improves vision. Vitamin C in yam plays an important role in anti-ageing, improves immunity, wound healing and bone growth.
29. Helps in RBC Production and Improves Blood Flow
The minerals present in Yam also play major roles in the body. Copper is very useful for the production of red blood cells and improves blood flow in the body. Iron further improves the blood circulation in the body. Manganese is used by the body as a co-factor for the antioxidant enzyme, superoxide dismutase.
30. Delays Ageing Signs
Yam has amazing anti-ageing benefits. It contains amazing skin-friendly nutrients like beta carotene, Vitamin C, Vitamin B6 and antioxidants which can help to prevent wrinkles and other signs of ageing. Yams have an amount of potassium. It aids in the healthy digestion which greatly is needed by people with IBD or Irritable Bowel Disorder. The role of potassium as electrolyte is very important in stimulating the smooth muscle contractions in the stomach as well as in the large intestine creating a healthy environment for good digestion.