benefits of yams

Benefits of Yams

61. Yam is an important dietary element
Yam is an important dietary element for Nigerian and West African people. It contributes more than 200 calories per person per day for more than 150 million people in West Africa, and is an important source of income. Yam is an attractive crop in poor farms with limited resources. It is rich in starch, and can be prepared in many ways. It is available all year round, unlike other, unreliable, seasonal crops. These characteristics make yam a preferred food and a culturally important food security crop in some sub-Saharan African countries
62. yam is a food with moderate nutrient
Except for potassium, vitamin B6andandandvitamin C, yam is a food with moderate nutrient density.Yam provides around 110 calories per 100andgrams. It has good levels ofandpotassium,andmanganese,andthiaminandandanddietary fiber, while being low in saturated fat and sodium. Yam generally has a lowerandglycemic index, about 54% ofandglucoseandper 150 gram serving, compared to potato products.
63. It is rich in phenylalanine and threonine
Yam, like other root crops, is not a good source of essential amino acids. It is rich in phenylalanine and threonine but limiting in the sulphur amino-acids, cystine and methionine and in tryptophan. Yam consuming areas of Africa have a high incidence ofandkwashiorkor, a serious medical condition in children caused by protein deficiency. Experts emphasize the need to supplement a yam-driven diet with more protein-rich foods in order to support active and healthy growth in infants.
64. The best temperature to store yams
The best temperature to store yams is between 14-16
65. Dioscorea trifida
The cush-cush yam, is native to theandGuyanaandregion ofandSouth Americaandand is the most important cultivatedandNew Worldandyam. Since they originated in tropicalandrain forestandconditions their growth cycle is less related to seasonal changes than other yams. Because of their relative ease of cultivation and their good flavor they are considered to have a great potential for increased production (Kay 1987).
66. Dioscorea dumetorum
The bitter yam, is popular as a vegetable in parts of West Africa; one reason being that their cultivation requires less labor than other yams. The wild forms are very toxic and are sometimes used to poison animals when mixed with bait. It is said that they have also been used for criminal purposes (Kay 1987).
67. Yam is a versatile vegetable
The true yam is a versatile vegetable. It can beandbarbecued,androasted,andfried,andgrilled,andboiled,andbaked,andsmokedandand whenandgratedandit is processed into a dessert recipe. The true yam is a versatile vegetable. It can be barbecued, roasted, fried, grilled, boiled, baked, smoked and when grated it is processed into a dessert recipe.
68. Visions
Vitamin A is one if the main vitamins found in yams. By juicing it, you can be sure that your eye sight will be healthy (as long as you also follow the advice on how to keep your eyes healthy). Yams may even improve it if you are already having problems with your visions.
69. Humble vegetable
Yams are very humble vegetable (root crop). They are not expensive and can be found in most markets and grocery stores. But its nutritional health value is so much that you just canandt afford not to buy it and juice it.
70. Adding yams to your regular diet
Yams have an amount of potassium. It aids in the healthy digestion which greatly is needed by people with IBD or Irritable Bowel Disorder. The role of potassium as electrolyte is very important in stimulating the smooth muscle contractions in the stomach as well as in the large intestine creating a healthy environment for good digestion. By adding yams to your regular diet, you can prevent IBD and or prevent it from getting worse and eventually eliminating it altogether for those who are already suffering from it.