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Tamarillo for healthy heart

Benefits of Tamarillo fruits


Tamarillo for healthy heart

Potassium is nutrient present in ample quantity in tree tomato which helps control heart rate and blood pressure. It balances out harmful effects of sodium on heart. It offers magnesium and other minerals which are required for proper functioning of the cardiovascular system. High dietary fiber in tamarillo helps inhibit absorption of bad cholesterols in body. With its antioxidant activity it protects heart from oxidative stress and reduces risk of heart stroke and other cardiac disorder.


This Dutch eggplant juice from Indonesia
Tamarillo has antioxidant activity
Safety profile
Tamarillo shake
Tree tomato good for eyes
Where to find Tamarillo in India
Side effects of tamarillo
Tamarillos reduces risk of kidney stones
Good source
Tamarillo is a shrub or small size tree
Health benefits
Tamarillos contain vitamins
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