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Acidic flavor

Benefits of Tamarillo fruits


Acidic flavor

Acidic flavor (sourness) oftree tomatoes mainly comes from citric acid. The other important acid in them is malic acid. Its flowers are pinky white through to lavender, and the fruits may be purplered, orange, yellow and some have stripes running down their skins. The sweetest are the yellow and orange ones, and when you slice them open they have black seeds inside, so they resemble passion fruit and have been mistaken for an eggshaped persimmon. The tree is fast growing and reaches peak production of fruit at four years old. The fruits hang from the branches and 16 of them come from a cluster of flowers that may be comprised of between 10 and 50. Leaves have a faintly musky smell and are evergreen.


The ORAC value
Other benefits of Tamarillo
Tamarillo mosaic virus
Acidic flavor
Tamarillo fruit features
Interesting fact
Very low calorie fruits
Tamarillos in preventing cancer
Uses in Cooking
Tree tomato good for eyes
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