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Health Benefits

Benefits of Peas


Health Benefits

Green peas have been largely overlooked in research studies on legumes, which have tended to concentrate only on beans. In studies where the health benefits of green peas have been directly examined, its usually been in their dried versus fresh form. These research trends are ones that we would really like to see reversed! Due to the lack of widescale health research on green peas, many of the connections that we would expect to see need further research substantiation. Despite the lack of studies directly linking green pea intake to improved health, we believe that the outstanding nutrient composition of green peas will eventually be shown to have farreaching health benefits, extending well beyond the ones presented in this Health Benefits section.


Prevention of wrinkles Alzheimers
Heart diseaseprevention
InDepth Nutritional Profile
Alzheimers and Arthritis
B Vitamins
Cooking andEating
Wrinkles and Osteoporosis
Prevents signs of ageing
Health Benefits
Soothes Burns
More ...

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