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Used for toothaches

Benefits of Onions


Used for toothaches

This is also used for toothaches and tooth decaying. If cutting onions irritates your eyes, there are a few tricks that you can employ. Use a very sharp knife and always cut the onions while standing; that way your eyes will be as far away as possible. Consider cutting onions by an open window. If cutting onions really makes you cry, consider wearing glasses or goggles. Chill the onions for an hour or so before cutting; this practice can slow down the onions metabolism and thereby lessen the rate of LF gas production. Cutting onions under cold, running water is a method that is often used to cut back on eye irritation, but its a method we view as a second best choice since some of the nutrients found in onion can be lost into the flow of water.


Maintains Hair Color
To Protect Against Heart Failure
Improvement of blood sugar balance
Rich in sulphur
Onions can be added to salads
Improve digestive system
Use in Ayurveda and herbal therapy
Use in Heat Stroke or Sunstroke
Cure ear and eye problems
Use in study
Natural Conditioner
Colon cancers
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