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Prevents Sunburn

Benefits of Tomatoes


Prevents Sunburn

According to Prevention Magazine, people who consumed 5 tablespoon of tomato paste daily for 3 consecutive months were naturally protected against sun burn. Sun burnt skin can also be treated by applying tomato on the affected parts. Make a pack by mixing 2 teaspoons of tomato pulp with 1 teaspoon of yoghurt. Apply this on the face, neck, hands and feet. Tomato cools the skin while yoghurt provides a protein boost to make the skin soft and supple.


Increases the concentration of lycopenein their breast milk
Abundant Source of Antioxidants
Cardiovascular Support
Fights Cellular Damage
Anti Cancer Benefits
Carotenoids found in tomatoes
Treats Open Pores
Cherry Tomatoes and Pesticide Residues
Filling Food
Other Health Benefits
Smooth Skin
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