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Lime peel

Benefits of Lime


Lime peel

Lime peel is the outer yellow or green colored skin removed from lime fruit with a sharp peel off the lime skin, you can use a peeler or even a sharp knife. First cut the two sides of the limeand then start peeling in round direction from one end to the other. You can also take the white portion of the lime, until the natural segments start showing.lime peel has a sour, tart smell which is very refreshing due to the volatile acids released while peeling lime.


Lemons and Limes and Wax Coatings
Health Benefits
Lime juice can helpprevent formation of kidney stones
Lime water
Burning soles or feet
Kidney Stones
Antibiotic Properties
Phytonutrients with Antioxidant and Antibiotic Effects
Lightens Dark Spots
Heart Disease
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