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Limes have a very high citric acid content

Benefits of Lime


Limes have a very high citric acid content

Limes have a very high citric acid content, and citric acid is a very strong fat burner (Think grapefruit, only limes taste better and have 2 times the citric acid content!). Taking the steps to use lime for weight loss is as simple as adding it to your daily water intake. (I personally take bottles of water to work every day, and inside my desk drawer is a bottle of unsweetened Keylime juice.)Adding lime juice to just two or three glasses of water throughout your day, can help boost your weight loss if you are on a diet. Lime juice in cold water is a great and refreshing drink, which not only promotes weight loss but cools you down significantly more so than a regular bottle of water would! While being a fat burner, lime juice is also an excellent antioxidant.


Lightens Dark Spots
Inflammatory disorders
Skin Toner
A Healthy Choice for Diabetics
Other benefits of the Lime
Hair Conditioner
Excellent source ofvitamin C
Skin Care
Bitamin B6
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