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Guava juice

Benefits of Guava


Guava juice

Guava juice and nectar are refreshing drinks and are often used as an ingredient in cold or frozen drinks or in mixed liquor beverages. Due to its unique flavour, guavas are often used to make jelly. They have a high content of pectin, a chemical substance that helps jelly to set. The juice from half ripe guavas can be combined with hibiscus flowers or low pectin fruits to make jelly. Guavas are also used in butters, jams, marmalades and preserves.


Improves Complexion
High blood pressure
Treatment of Acne and Dark Spots
Helps treat constipation
Helps bring about healthy thyroid gland
Guava treats hypertension
Guava nutrition facts
Treatment of Blackheads and Skin Itchiness
Benefits Of Guava For Hair
Vitamin C
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